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TERESA MAIR is an Austrian-born high-end clothing brand established by the eponymous fashion designer and architect, who believes that truly transcending creations must come with a sense of logic and integrity – always. Back in 2017, when everything first fell into place, it was clear that what was going to set this brand apart from others would be its palpable connection to the wonderful mysteries of nature. And there is a lot of those where this stuff is made. TERESA MAIR also has a very elegant subtenant that goes by the name coat couture. If we were to describe her in two words, it would be these: dignified and protective. Pretty much like a decently responsible momma bear.

On a quick side note: After graduating Vienna’s Herbststraße fashion college, Teresa Mair (the designer, not the brand, obsly) earned her MA in architecture at AAlto University of the Arts in Helsinki, Finnland in 2017. So in a way you could say what was bound to happen happened: An amalgamation of razor-sharp design and shielding functionality.

Teresa Mair lives and works in Tyrol, Vienna, and Helsinki.

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Zeitloses Design, mystische Eleganz – die Wurzeln von TERESA MAIR (dem Brand, nicht der Designerin) rekeln sich bis ins Jahr 2017 zurück. Seitdem macht die gleichnamige Modedesignerin und Architektin „im Hof zur blauen Tür“ „aus Mänteln Häuser“. So weit, so märchenhaft. Das Ganze nennt sich auch noch durchaus treffend coat couture: Eine mystisch-fantasievolle Mantel-Linie mit dem nachhaltigen Auftrag, Menschen zu aufrichtig wertschätzendem Wertebewusstsein zurückzuführen. Also: Qualität kostet, darf kosten, muss kosten. Back to the roots, sozusagen. So viel Selbstbewusstsein soll sein.

Und damit auch die stalkerhaftesten aller Mantel-Gourmets auf ihre Kosten kommen: Nach ihrem Architekturstudium an der Universität Innsbruck führte es Teresa Mair (die Designerin, nicht den Brand) 2016 an das Wiener Modekolleg Herbstraße. Im darauffolgenden Jahr folgte der Master in Architektur an der Aalto University in Helsinki. Wege, die die Designerin nicht nur im klassischen Sinn, sondern vor allem mit Hinblick auf ihre Experimentierfreude stark geprägt haben – Geht nit, gibts nit! Das Ergebnis sind stimmungsvolle, ehrlich liebevolle Begleiter für ein ganzes Leben. Und, ja, mit diesem Spoiler verfliegt zwar vielleicht der Überraschungseffekt, den die konzeptionelle Verschmelzung aus Architektur und Mode für so manchen bereithält, dafür bleibt der Sinn. Sehr viel Sinn.

Teresa Mair lebt in Tirol, Wien und Helsinki.





All TERESA MAIR coat couture garments are designed and manufactured behind the small blue wooden door of a cozy courtyard atelier right at the heart of Innsbruck, Austria. So if you find yourself in that area with a tad of time on hand you should definitely pay us a visit and get to know us some time. Meanwhile, here’s a little taste: We are helpless suckers for premium quality materials of natural, organic, recycled, or innovative origin, and have a heartwarming devotion to locally-sourced and produced fabrics. That’s right: We get our organic linen from Upper Austria and the merino wool loden from adjacent Bavaria. And, holadriooo!!!, if for any reason the desired quality of the textiles or producers cannot be guaranteed, we like to draw on vintage textiles to guarantee our sustainability-driven standards are met. So, yeah, with your purchase you’re supporting not only us, but also local, honest businesses and the environment is what we’re sayin’. For that, thank you!


Picture a happy couple of swans casually floating on a quiet pond at sunset. That’s you and your garment friend – life-long companions. Especially when your favourite sartorial partner has been made with love and respect. After all, we wear them close to our heart – metaphorically and literally – for roughly 15 hours every day. We let them touch our skin, change our mood, provide warmth and comfort. Thankfully, many of us are devoting more time to reassessing what we eat; But (!) we should also strengthen our awareness with regard to the materials we expose ourselves to. They have a much greater impact on our well-being than we seem to acknowledge. And, frankly, like to believe.
